Want to experience something new? Try our experience center. It gives you a chance to demo a boat you want to buy or just to experience boat you have never been on. Have you ever foiled or sailed a high performance catamaran? Sailed with a full asymmetrical spinnaker flying? Happy to help you do this. Contact us below to set a date to try a boat. How does this work?
To Demo a boat – Contact us to set a date and we will set the time based on weather. Make sure you are little flexible as weather changes constantly. We will provide all the equipment- Boat, PFD, Helmet, comms if needed. We will do a brief overview of the boat and get out on the water.
To experience a new boat- Contact us to set a date and we will set the time based on weather. Make sure you are little flexible as weather changes constantly. We will provide all the equipment- Boat, PFD, Helmet, coms if needed and a coach boat if needed. We will conduct a more in depth overview of the boat, sailing characteristics and what to expect. We will head out on the water and sail. We will have you driving and crewing the boat during that time.
Here are your choices: